Early variety of hybrid of a very good and unexpected as for apples. Ripe apples very quickly,already by July 10 Matures "kitajka gold".
Apply a sort of golden apples for areas with very short period of heat in the summer. Golden apple tree Kitaika conventional medium-sized branches of yellow color with the direction of the trunk at an acute angle to the sun. Apples are small, a lot of fruit. When fully ripe start to fill.
Peduncle is small,короткая.Внутренняя fruit part of the "Golden Chinese" yellow flesh,pleasant,Apple flavor and a rich aroma. The color of the leaves green, or white. In the period of maturation strongly fall,subject to the defeat of scab. Winter time brings good.
Variety of apples "Grushovka Moscow" early views. Tree grows large,with a strong fouling foliage throughout the area of the Apple-tree crown. As it grows,the Krona Apple takes the shape of a ball.
The fruit of Apple "Grushovka Moscow" Mature early, size small apples,fruits ribbed. The skin of the Apple elastic, smooth. The color of the Apple " Moscow grushovka" multicolored, green, red, yellow in the form of elongated strips from the top of the Apple to the bottom of the fetus with blush on the Sunny side of the fruit.
Internal Apple pulp is white with a barely noticeable yellowish sheen,the taste of Apple frail,juicy,tender at eating. Seeds inside Apple small and seed itself Luggage little, so that the fruit mass Apple lot. Sugar-9.5%. The time period to gather apples, comes with the onset of the August 5-10 number.
The period of early collection apples lasts 2 weeks. Fruits prone to shattering when ripe. Yields very large and highly demonstrative. Transportation of apples "Grushovka Moscow" on large distances is undesirable, because of the rapidity of the loss of marketable apples. Freezing and cold transfers normally,scab affects the Apple tree without any problems.
Sort of apples "Konfetnoe" early views of apples and ripen in the summer. Displayed in the fertilization process of pollen varieties Papirovka and korobovka. Tree average size but is very lush. The first fruits apples Konfetnoe appear after 3 years,in the fourth year.
The size of the fruit apples slightly more than the average(80-100 g). color apples green-yellow with red thickened with across the surface of the fruit and white dots with the inherent wax Apple bloom. Leaves ordinary oblong with notches on the boundary endings.
Peduncle is very small it almost not visible. Apples themselves elastic solid, internal Apple pulp is juicy, sweet to taste the flavors, marked by a greater availability of sugar, apples very sweet as a candy. Cold and freezing moves normally.
The apples "Konfetnoe" phase of maturation this August, early start to grow but never long stored 15-25 days not more.
Sort of apples "Bessemyanka new" refers to the autumn varieties of apples with good fruit yield (60-80 kg), beautiful fruits (150-190 g), but this is the result of breeding at crossing of such varieties of apples as Bessemyanka Michurinskaya and Anise Scarlet.
The very Apple,white pulp,is well overdue,with sour a sweet taste and a raw,fresh Apple aroma. Fruit apples round shape, yellow clarified with pink stripes - red color.
Resistance to frost and cold,scab - very high.
Fruits are harvested and produced picking apples in the middle of September. Time and the period of long-term storage and storage of apples "Bessemyanka" ranges from 3-5 months. When will not deteriorate.